Tuesday, December 04, 2007

My 1st Christmas

It's 21 days before Christmas. It is somehow a first Christmas for me - my first Christmas as a wife, a mommy (with the baby still in my tummy), a daughter-in-law, a sister-in-law, and as a daughter missing his father.

Happy, sad, and relieved at the same time..

Happy, as I will be spending it with my own family..
Sad, as I truly miss my father..
Relieved, because I know that my father is finally, home..

But just like anybody having their 1st Christmas for whatever reason, I am truly looking forward to it..

1 comment:

chiara said...

Hi! Was blog hopping and came across this blog entry... I felt the exact same way last first christmas as a wife, daugther-in-law, mommy (preggy me)... it was happy and sad at the same time. Nice to know that I wasn't the only one feeling that way. :)
