I was able to learn about a part time job opportunity from
n@w (newlyweds@work) through Agnes. It is all about abstracting. Clueless as I was, I decided to read the post and asked how to apply and how to get qualified.
(Based from my own understanding, abstracting is synonymous to summarizing :D)
Going back to my story, Agnes was kind enough to email me the Information Sheet and the essay questions to accomplish before I get invited to the abstracting workshop. Yes, the company offers a free abstracting workshop. Then finally, I was able to attend last Saturday. It was a well-attended workshop - mostly are recruits of Agnes, and my co-n@wies (sorry girls if I wasn't able to bond with you that day. :( I was kind of
"hiya" to approach you guys, :D)
Workshop was a big help for me since I was oh-so-clueless about abstracting. What I only have in mind is that I may earn extra moohlah on this.. teehee! There were some exams worksheets that day and I have to agree that you will need to have a good English vocabulary - as simple as the subject and verb agreement might be a little bit of a challenge :)
Just tonight, I got an email stating my user id and my password so that I can start with my new-found activity - abstracting!
Oh, I need to review the manual because my memory fails me every now and then since I had my CS! I need to brush up on the abstracting guidelines so that I will be able to produce more work.
abstracting = moohlah
Wish me luck on this!